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Nutritional Psychotherapy

If you are looking for nutritional support specifically for mental health and want to have regular psychotherapy at the same time, this is the option you want!

It's a combination of the clinical nutrition option and holistic psychotherapy with alternating appointments. We will do a deep-dive into your nutritional situation and you'll get doable, bioindividual recommendations. While you are implementing recommendations at home, we'll have psychotherapy to address the psychological concerns using EMDR, EFT, MBCT, and other approaches.

Like clinical nutrition, this service is sold in packages to ensure enough time for you to start feeling better. When we are billing for out-of-network benefits to your insurance, I can break down the cost per session to submit the claim and we will bill it as psychotherapy. 

I can only do psychotherapy with people in Utah. If you are not in Utah and still want to work with me, consider signing up for the clinical nutrition package.

Clinical Nutrition

Clinical holistic nutrition is similar to seeing a dietitian in a hospital, but with a focus on addressing root causes. I focus more on the quality of foods for nutrient density rather than simply the numbers and chemical makeup of foods. Supplements and lab testing are available, but my philosophy is always food and lifestyle first. 

Also known as nutritional therapy, it's a bioindividual approach for improving general health through food. If you are dealing with autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, digestive problems like IBS, low energy, brain fog, allergies, inflammation, or many other symptoms, there's a really good chance proper nutrition can help!

This service is a minimum of 3 months and includes a nutritional assessment, formal interview, food journal, individualized recommendations, a discount on clinical-grade supplements, and ongoing support with adjustments as we go. You'll also get a couple of bonuses as tools to help you succeed in your journey.

Session-by-Session Psychotherapy

This is what most people are looking for when they think of therapy and it is a lesser offering compared to the others. Mental health therapy may include discussion on general mental health, EMDR, EFT (tapping), mindfulness, CBT (talk therapy), and yoga. We may include nutrition discussion, but we'll keep it much lighter than what you would get in nutritional psychotherapy.

If you just want an ESA letter, you'll need to do this service for at least two sessions.

Psychotherapy is typically on a weekly basis for about 50 minutes at a time. Fees are charged on a session-by-session basis. It really depends on who's coming to therapy and what they want as to what this service looks like. Many times, this looks like conventional therapy (talk therapy and light trauma). Sometimes, we get to explore more mind, body, and spirit approaches.

If you want a more unique, comprehensive approach that you can't get anywhere else in Utah, I recommend Nutritional Psychotherapy instead.

Please note that I can only do psychotherapy with those in Utah.

Whole Food Sugar Detox Health Group

Called RESTART, this is a 5-week, small group program to guide you through using whole foods to boost energy, lower anxiety, improve digestion, and support overall health.

This is a great introduction to real food eating, and is an affordable alternative to the nutrition package. 

Although it is general information and you won't get individualized recommendations, it can be very motivating to be part of a cohort of like-minded peers who are on a similar journey as you. In addition to the weekly classes, you'll make friends and get study materials as part of the program!

A key component of this program is the experiential part. Be prepared to start feeling healthier!

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