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About Me

This is where most professionals would, essentially, give you a resume. But aside from the fact that I have multiple university degrees, certificates, and a clinical license, I think it's more important that you learn about my philosophy.

There are many theories of counseling which, by themselves, can make therapists disagree on what’s best for someone. Similarly, there are different theories of nutrition! There’s low-fat-high-carb, holistic/functional, vegetarianism, veganism, carnivore, keto, paleo, and so many more ideals. But which is right? It just depends. So here’s how I generally see things and how these seemingly separate disciplines (mental health and nutrition) converge.

I operate from a holistic perspective. Holistic just means that everything is connected into one, great whole. So instead of labeling you by your diagnosis and only treating your symptoms (a conventional approach), I strive to see you as a person and consider everything affecting your diagnos(es), including diet*, lifestyle, and environment. The more I study health, the more I realize that everything truly is interconnected. If we compartmentalize anything, we are doing it wrong because we are missing so many variables.

With that said, I operate from a two-pillar approach. First, mental, emotional and spiritual health (most therapists do this part). Second, the part that conventional therapy is missing, a natural, biochemical approach to mental health. I believe how we live our lives and what we eat affects how we feel. This is called epigenetics.

Often, things like digestive issues, blood sugar problems, food sensitivities, and nutrient deficiencies are the biochemical sources of your mental illness, especially anxiety and depression. You can feel better with conventional therapy or medication, but if you want lasting improvement, you’ll want to address the lifestyle factors as well.

You might notice that some mental health clinics are hiring dietitians. I think therapists are starting to realize that mental health is not just about psychology, but the problem with hiring dietitians is that you (the patient) are seeing multiple clinicians and paying multiple fees, and your dietitian and therapist aren’t ever on the same page. Dietitians have a lot of training, so I don’t want to discount them, but I believe it’s better, for you, that the clinician has both the psychology and nutrition training.

Here’s where conventional dietitians may disagree with me. My philosophy of nutrition is that fresh, whole foods are better than any commercial product you can buy. Our bodies are part of nature, and Nature provides us with everything we need. The more we separate ourselves from nature, the more disease we have. The closer to nature, the better. Natural, organic food tends to be more nutrient-dense, purer, and more bioavailable than conventional foods. So that’s what we want for our bodies. Food is far more than the sum of its calories. It’s not just fuel; It’s nourishment. So quality matters!

I generally lean toward the ideal of an omnivorous diet and one that is higher in fat and lower in carbs. There are many scientific and ancestral reasons for this. However, I am willing to work with you if you have specific needs for vegetarianism or carnivore, or need a low-fat diet for medical reasons. Our bodies are bioindividual, so I am willing to adjust to your individual needs!

You might ask, what about eating disorders? There’s typically a lot of trauma behind disordered eating which needs special care. I don't specialize in eating disorders. However, disordered eating most likely will improve with proper nutrition, when done carefully. I am willing to see patients who have unhealthy relationships with food if they have a sincere desire to improve, but severe cases of disordered eating will probably be referred elsewhere.

Lastly, I want to point out that nutrition isn’t the only thing I do. I am conventionally trained as a therapist, too. For those who need it, I do EMDR, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and emotional freedom techniques (EFT or “tapping”).

After all that, I know some may still be discounting my credibility just because I used the word “holistic.” I don’t want to have to convince you, so if you are still thinking my services aren’t your thing, that’s okay! There are many, many therapists who will sit with you and do talk therapy or other conventional things. But for those who recognize that mental health and physical health are intimately connected and nutrition supports both, and if you’re willing to learn and try new things, I may be your therapist.

Schedule a free consultation or book a session with me.

See you soon,

Cody M. Cox, CMHC

Utah’s Nutritional Psychotherapist 

*Some would say that it’s politically incorrect to say “diet.” The word actually comes from the ancient Greek and literally means “a manner of living.” Notice that it has nothing to do with weight loss or body image, and it is neutral. In a modern context, I consider it to be a scientific term referring simply to what we eat, whether planned or unplanned. It is not a weight-loss regimen unless you want it to be.

Difficult Roads Often Lead to Beautiful Destinations

My Mission

My mission is to empower patients to take charge of their own health through diet, sleep, lifestyle, environment, spirituality, and coping skills. I dream of the day when we are all on the same page of eating organic whole foods because we recognize the value of investing in our health. Good health makes us more resilient, and that means better mental health!

Are you ready to take the first step?

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